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Typically, The Practical Prof’s lessons and advice are confined to the workplace arena.  The mass-murders in Orlando require a departure from business as usual. The Prof cannot remain silent on this issue. The Prof’s plea: Gun manufacturers – look at the cost-benefit of selling large-capacity magazine guns (i.e. AR-15), the weapon of choice for the five mass-murders (Sandy Hook, Umpqua OR, Aurora CO, San Bernadino, Orlando), to private citizens, where cost is human life and benefit is “sales.” Federal and state governments – renew bans on semi-automatic weapons (like AR-15s and the like) being sold to private citizens and study the impact on violent, mass-murders in the US NRA and the gun lobby – engage in the conversation, acknowledge that all of us need to do more to stop mass-murderers, regardless of their motives. Prayers and healing energy to the victims and their families!